Geological Record of Starved Rock

Gizell Lopez, Northeastern Illinois University
Jessica Lartey, Northeastern Illinois University
Dawnmarie White, Northeastern Illinois University

Mohammad Fariduddin is the faculty sponsor of this poster.


During the Paleozoic Era, Illinois was located closer to the equator where it went through periods of sea level rise and fall. Previous studies have shown that the rocks deposited in the Starved Rock area were from the Ordovician to the Pennsylvanian periods. The LaSalle anticline uplifted the area causing a change in the geological record. The stratigraphic columns from the area do not identify any deposition from the Silurian and Devonian periods. This may have been caused by either erosion or no deposition of rocks from those periods. Five different locations across LaSalle county were considered. Observations from the sedimentary rock structures, lithological composition were made as well as collection of samples of rocks and fossils. We used Brachiopod index fossils to identify the fossils. Based on bio stratigraphic analysis, the dominant periods for the area are the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods.

Apr 19th, 11:00 AM

Geological Record of Starved Rock

During the Paleozoic Era, Illinois was located closer to the equator where it went through periods of sea level rise and fall. Previous studies have shown that the rocks deposited in the Starved Rock area were from the Ordovician to the Pennsylvanian periods. The LaSalle anticline uplifted the area causing a change in the geological record. The stratigraphic columns from the area do not identify any deposition from the Silurian and Devonian periods. This may have been caused by either erosion or no deposition of rocks from those periods. Five different locations across LaSalle county were considered. Observations from the sedimentary rock structures, lithological composition were made as well as collection of samples of rocks and fossils. We used Brachiopod index fossils to identify the fossils. Based on bio stratigraphic analysis, the dominant periods for the area are the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods.