
Monica Parra, Northeastern Illinois University

Nate Mathews and Kim Ambriz are the faculty sponsors of this project.


Wanderlust is a series of colorful prints referencing landmarks and monuments from Latin American travel. Each print represents a country-Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Colombia- and depicts stylized landscapes. I use gradients to add a timeless element to each design and whimsical colors to put the viewer in a dream-like atmosphere. Traveling can truly be a magical experience and my intention is to demonstrate that feeling through these prints. My motivation for this showcase was sparked by a trip to Italy about three years ago. It changed my perspective on life and travel. Being exposed to a different country that I had no connection to and learning about its history and culture initiated a deep desire to explore the unknown. I warm heartedly believe that traveling is important for one’s mind and body as it can be refreshing to wander in a new setting and step out of our daily routines. Furthermore, I made the conscious decision to focus on Latin American travel as I hope to bring attention to these beautiful countries as a whole. Being Mexican- American, I have been exposed to Latin culture and it is because of this that I used this opportunity to focus on these countries in order to research and learn more about them individually. Wanderlust not only gave me the chance to demonstrate my ability to work in many facets and disciplines in graphic design but also to communicate to my audience how magical these countries are and how magical traveling can feel.

Apr 19th, 12:00 AM


Wanderlust is a series of colorful prints referencing landmarks and monuments from Latin American travel. Each print represents a country-Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Colombia- and depicts stylized landscapes. I use gradients to add a timeless element to each design and whimsical colors to put the viewer in a dream-like atmosphere. Traveling can truly be a magical experience and my intention is to demonstrate that feeling through these prints. My motivation for this showcase was sparked by a trip to Italy about three years ago. It changed my perspective on life and travel. Being exposed to a different country that I had no connection to and learning about its history and culture initiated a deep desire to explore the unknown. I warm heartedly believe that traveling is important for one’s mind and body as it can be refreshing to wander in a new setting and step out of our daily routines. Furthermore, I made the conscious decision to focus on Latin American travel as I hope to bring attention to these beautiful countries as a whole. Being Mexican- American, I have been exposed to Latin culture and it is because of this that I used this opportunity to focus on these countries in order to research and learn more about them individually. Wanderlust not only gave me the chance to demonstrate my ability to work in many facets and disciplines in graphic design but also to communicate to my audience how magical these countries are and how magical traveling can feel.