NEIUideas Podcast

London Crockett, Northeastern Illinois University


The NEIUideas podcast offers the university community and podcast listeners outside of the university an opportunity to hear what NEIU facility are researching through in-depth interviews about recent publications. Primary goals of the podcast are to showcase the strength of research being carried out at the university and demonstrate the breadth of academic investigation. Interviews are approximately 45 minutes long and focus on a single recent paper, which may still be in a pre-publication phase. The conversations are structed to allow the interviewee to go into depth about their research, with the interviewer acting as a proxy for the “average” listener who doesn’t have field-specific knowledge. As well as covering the core ideas in the papers, we delve into research methods to aid students who want to learn more about the process. Conversations also expand into how the research impacts the broader world and intersects with contemporary intellectual and social concerns. For example, when NEIUideas interviewed 2022 Audrey Reynolds Distinguished Teaching Award winner Dr. Pam Geddes, we talked about a paper on cattail hybridization, but that topic has broader relevance to climate change, invasive species, and ecosystems. As well as the interview with Dr. Geddes on her paper, Microsatellite Markers Reveal Unprecedented High Frequencies of Hybridization among Typha Species in the Midwestern US, we interviewed Dr. Nik Hohl on his paper, Moving the North: Rimbert, the Vita Anskarii, and the Cynocephali; Dr. Jia Wu on her paper, Evaluating a Self-Determination Model of Physical Activity and Exercise in People With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain; and Dr. Emily Garcia on her paper, Interdependence and Interlingualism in Santiago Puglia's El desengaño del hombre (1794). Each of these interviews will be available on the NEIUideas website as well as on Spotify and Apple podcast syndications.

May 6th, 12:00 PM

NEIUideas Podcast

Auditorium Hallway

The NEIUideas podcast offers the university community and podcast listeners outside of the university an opportunity to hear what NEIU facility are researching through in-depth interviews about recent publications. Primary goals of the podcast are to showcase the strength of research being carried out at the university and demonstrate the breadth of academic investigation. Interviews are approximately 45 minutes long and focus on a single recent paper, which may still be in a pre-publication phase. The conversations are structed to allow the interviewee to go into depth about their research, with the interviewer acting as a proxy for the “average” listener who doesn’t have field-specific knowledge. As well as covering the core ideas in the papers, we delve into research methods to aid students who want to learn more about the process. Conversations also expand into how the research impacts the broader world and intersects with contemporary intellectual and social concerns. For example, when NEIUideas interviewed 2022 Audrey Reynolds Distinguished Teaching Award winner Dr. Pam Geddes, we talked about a paper on cattail hybridization, but that topic has broader relevance to climate change, invasive species, and ecosystems. As well as the interview with Dr. Geddes on her paper, Microsatellite Markers Reveal Unprecedented High Frequencies of Hybridization among Typha Species in the Midwestern US, we interviewed Dr. Nik Hohl on his paper, Moving the North: Rimbert, the Vita Anskarii, and the Cynocephali; Dr. Jia Wu on her paper, Evaluating a Self-Determination Model of Physical Activity and Exercise in People With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain; and Dr. Emily Garcia on her paper, Interdependence and Interlingualism in Santiago Puglia's El desengaño del hombre (1794). Each of these interviews will be available on the NEIUideas website as well as on Spotify and Apple podcast syndications.