Ntiranyibagira, Zerida

Ntiranyibagira, Zerida


Zerida Ntiranyibagira


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Interviewee Gender


Geographical Location(s) during the genocide

Intara ya Burui (Burundi province), Matana, Bujumbura, Buhiga, Bukeye, Tagara

Current Geographical Location

Jenda, Jenda village

Interview Date


Interviewer Name

Dr. Jeanine Ntihirageza, Northeastern Illinois University - Center for Genocide and Human Rights Research in Africa and the Diaspora (GHRAD)

Transcriptionist: — Pasteur Niyomwungere

Summary of Oral History

Nitranyibagira watched in fear from her elementary school window as Hutu pastors were loaded onto a truck by militia. Nitranyibagira said they suspected everyone that everyone loaded on to the truck was going to be killed and their bodies would dumped in Ruvubu. When Nitranyiba was traveling to Bururi, soldiers loaded her and her classmates onto a truck. Terrified, they were taken to Matna and they took refuge in an abandoned house in ruins. Every day, they lived in fear, praying they would not be the next to die. Nitranyibagira explained that the soldiers decided who’s lives would be spared if they found their victims’ faces attractive or not.

Length of Oral History


Language(s) of Oral History

Kurundi, English

Language(s) of Transcripts

Kirundi, English

Translator for Transcripts

GHRAD Project Participant/ Research Team


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Download Zerida Ntiranyibagira – Oral History Transcript and Translation (Kirundi and English) (334 KB)

Ntiranyibagira, Zerida
