This session is presided over by Alyssa Vincent, Digital Scholarship Librarian, and takes place in SU 124.

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Friday, November 15th
9:00 AM

"Blue," "Tapestry," and Oil: Rethinking Oil Capitalism and Feminism through Two Key 1970s Singer-Songwriter Albums

Joshua Friedberg, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 124

9:00 AM

9:40 AM

Understanding Supremacist Thought in the U.S.: Confronting the Cultural Underpinnings of Hierarchical Thought

Timothy R. Libretti, Northern Illinois University

SU 124

9:40 AM

10:20 AM

Sport, Representation and Culture in the Modern World, 1920-2020

Steven A. Riess, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 124

10:20 AM

11:00 AM

Coffee Break

Northeastern Illinois University

11:00 AM

11:20 AM

“If She Was Great, I Would Have Heard of Her by Now”: When Trust in Our Sources of Knowledge Lead Us Astray

Stacey Goguen, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 124

11:20 AM

12:00 PM

The Persuasive Force of the Ad Baculum

John Casey, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 124

12:00 PM

12:40 PM


Northeastern Illinois University

Alumni Hall North

12:40 PM