This session is presided over by Melinda Storie, Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, and takes place in SU 103, Golden Eagles Room.

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Friday, November 15th
9:00 AM

Effects of a School-Based Social-Emotional and Character Development Program on Peer, Family, School, and Neighborhood Contexts: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

Naida Silverthorn, Northeastern Illinois University
Kendra M. Lewis, University of Illinois at Chicago
Niloofar Bavarian, University of Illinois at Chicago
David L. DuBois, University of Illinois at Chicago
Alan C. Acock, University of Illinois at Chicago
Samuel Vuchinich, University of Illinois at Chicago

SU 103

9:00 AM

9:40 AM

Children’s Cognitive Reflection Predicts Conceptual Understanding in Science and Mathematics

Andrew Young, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 103

9:40 AM

10:20 AM

Cultivating Anti-Racist Feminist Pedagogy Queerly

Laurie Fuller, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 103

10:20 AM

11:00 AM

Coffee Break

Northeastern Illinois University

11:00 AM

11:20 AM

Decolonizing the Barrio: The Spatial Politics of Culture in Chicago’s Paseo Boricua

Dennis Grammenos, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 103

11:20 AM

12:00 PM

GIS and Cartography Supporting NEIU

Erick Howenstine, Northeastern Illinois University

SU 103

12:00 PM

12:40 PM


Northeastern Illinois University

Alumni Hall North

12:40 PM