Mathematics Faculty Publications | Mathematics | Northeastern Illinois University


Submissions from 2021

Distance and intersection number in the curve graph of a surface, Joan S. Birman, Matthew J. Morse, and Nancy C. Wrinkle

Harnessing natural mosaics: Antibody-instructed, multi-envelope hiv-1 vaccine design, Robert E. Sealy, Barry Dayton, David Finkelstein, and Julia L. Hurwitz

Submissions from 2020

A general (universal) form of multivariate survival functions in theoretical and modeling aspect of multicomponent system reliability analysis, Jerzy K. Filus and Lidia Z. Filus

Submissions from 2019

Local isometric immersions of pseudo-spherical surfaces and k th order evolution equations, Nabil Kahouadji, Niky Kamran, and Keti Tenenblat


Local Isometric Immersions of Pseudo-spherical Surfaces and kth Order Evolution Equations, Nabil Kahouadji, Niky Kamran, and Keti Tenenblat

Risk factor analysis of progressive spinal deformity after resection of intramedullary spinal cord tumors in patients who underwent laminoplasty: A report of 105 consecutive cases, Wei Shi, Shan Wang, Huifang Zhang, Guoqin Wang, Yi Guo, Zhenxing Sun, Youtu Wu, Peihai Zhang, Linkai Jing, Benqi Zhao, Jian Xing, James Wang, and Guihuai Wang

On the sensitivity of singular and ill-conditioned linear systems, Zhonggang Zeng

Submissions from 2018

Movie moves for knotted surfaces with markings, Matthew Graham

RankRev: aMatlab package for computing the numerical rank and updating/downdating, Tsung Lin Lee, Tien Yien Li, and Zhonggang Zeng

Submissions from 2017

Why do students quit school? Implications from a dynamical modelling study, Bechir Amdouni, Marlio Paredes, Christopher Kribs, and Anuj Mubayi

Why do students quit school? Implications from a dynamical modelling study, Bechir Amdouni, Marlio Paredes, Christopher Kribs, and Anuj Mubayi

Submissions from 2016

Sensitivity and computation of a defective eigenvalue, Zhonggang Zeng

Submissions from 2015


Local Isometric Immersions of Pseudo-Spherical Surfaces and Evolution Equations, Nabil Kahouadji, Niky Kamran, and Keti Tenenblat

Submissions from 2011


Construction of Local Conservation Laws by Generalized Isometric Embeddings of Vector Bundles, Nabil Kahouadji

Submissions from 2008


Energy-Momentum's Local Conservation Laws and Generalized Isometric Embeddings of Vector Bundles, Nabil Kahouadji

Submissions from 2006


Cartan-Kähler Theory and Applications to Local Isometric and Conformal Embedding, Nabil Kahouadji