Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference | Conferences and Symposia | Northeastern Illinois University


Welcome! The Linguistics Department at NEIU is proud to host the annual meeting of Siouanists. NEIU Linguistics last hosted the conference in 2008. We’re happy to have everyone back and appreciate your long travel here to participate. Thanks to all for coming and thanks especially to our ongoing pursuit of things Siouan. And enjoy Chicago while you’re here. The conference is over two and a half days, ending early Saturday so that those who wish will have some time to check out the City of the Big Shoulders (although today it’s better known for finance, services and Lollapalooza). Talks during those days are broken up by lunch, breaks and a business meeting Friday. There are also several Open Forum sessions during which anyone can bring up issues of interest to Siouanists and Siouan communities, our activities, our goals and how we can all better communicate and collaborate.

Browse the contents of Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference:

38th Annual Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference