College of Arts & Sciences
College of Business & Management
Daniel L. Goodwin College of Education
College of Graduate Studies & Research
Ronald Williams Library
University Honors Program
McNair Scholars Program
Student Center for Science Engagement

Symposium Steering Committee Members
John Albazi, College of Arts & Sciences
Kimberly Ambriz, Creative Activities
Elyse Bolterstein, College of Arts and Sciences
Amanda Dykema-Engblade, College of Arts and Sciences
Gary Green, College of Business and Management
Jon Hageman, Honors Program
Effie Kritikos, Goodwin College of Education
Kimberly Sanborn, Nontraditional Degree Programs
Melinda Storie, College of Graduate Studies and Research
Kimberly Sanborn, Nontraditional Degree Programs
Mary Thill, Library
Angela Vidal-Rodriguez, McNair Scholars Program
Alyssa Vincent, Library
Kenneth Voglesonger, Student Center for Science Engagement
Laura West, Community Colleges Outreach

Symposium Program
8:00 – 8:30 AM Registration/Coffee
Student Union, First Floor
8:30 – 8:50 AM Program Commencement
Alumni Hall
Welcome and Introduction
Dr. John Albazi, Symposium Coordinator
Dr. Gloria Gibson, President, Northeastern Illinois University

This year’s Symposium is sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Symposium Acknowledgements

The NEIU Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium is the eighth-longest running student symposium among fifty universities identified nationally. View the list of nationwide student symposiums at this link.

Browse the contents of 2019 NEIU 27th Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium:

Creative Activities (FA160 - Recital Hall)
Session 1 (CBM 149): College of Business and Management
Session 2 (SU 103): Psychology
Session 3 (SU 003): Communication, Media and Theatre - Linguistics - Social Sciences
Session 4 (SU 124): English
Session 5 (SU 214): Biology
Session 6 (SU 215): Chemistry - Geography and Environmental Studies - Health Sciences and Physical Education
Session 7 (SU 216): Art
Session 8 (SU 217): Social Sciences - Social Work
Session 9 (SU 218): Education - Philosophy
Session 10 (SU 219): Computer Science - Math
Session 11 (Angelina Pedroso Center, B159): Art
Full Schedule: Research and Creative Activities Podium Presentations
Poster Presentations: STEM
Poster Presentations: Geography and Environmental Studies
Poster Presentations: Psychology
Poster Presentations: Social Work
Poster Presentations: Communication, Media and Theatre
Poster Presentations: Management and Marketing
Full Schedule: Poster Presentations