Moderator:  Christine Callahan 

Discussant: Lorilene Cuevas 

Tech Assistant: 
Mariel Portillo

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Friday, April 23rd
9:00 AM

To Include or Exclude, That is the Question: The Impact of Social Exclusion or Social Inclusion on Creativity Scores

Adee Bitton, Northeastern Illinois University
Brian Ray, Northeastern Illinois University
Alexander Nieves, Northeastern Illinois University
Alexis Solano, Northeastern Illinois University
Anabel Jacome, Northeastern Illinois University
Yaraliz Carrero, Northeastern Illinois University
Jan Rodriguez - Cruz, Northeastern Illinois University
Jackelyn Castaneda, Northeastern Illinois University

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Gender Differences in Undergraduates’ Sexuality: A Comprehensive Study of Sexual Attitudes and Sexual Assertiveness

Geo Said, Northeastern Illinois University

9:15 AM