Session 4A: Psychology of Food, Gender, and Language (FA 202) | 2022 John Sargon Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium
Moderator: Amanda Dykema-Engblade
Discussant: Linda Ruckert

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Friday, May 6th
9:00 AM

Impressions of a College Student Based on Whether They Consume Cow versus Pea Milk and Their Dietary Preferences

Julia Mayen, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

9:00 AM

9:20 AM

Are We What We Eat?: A Study on Food-Intake and Preparation Judgment

Alen Radeljic, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

9:20 AM

9:40 AM

The Influence of Food Aesthetics and Source Attractiveness on Vegetable Appeal Ratings

Lesly Rivera, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

9:40 AM

10:00 AM

The Roles of Gender and Priming on College Students Reported Food Preferences

Jordan Butler, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

10:00 AM

10:20 AM

You Eat How You Speak

Ana Luna, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

10:20 AM

10:40 AM

The Influence of Gourmet, Nostalgic, and Health Conscious Wording on College Students

Crystal Godinez, Northeastern Illinois University
Tiffany Fairley, Northeastern Illinois University

FA 202

10:40 AM