NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: The Influence of Gender, Fitness Level, and Healthiness on the Perceptions of Others

The Influence of Gender, Fitness Level, and Healthiness on the Perceptions of Others



Start Date

28-4-2023 9:40 AM




Consumption stereotypes are judgments made about people based on how much and what they eat. Those who consume "healthy" foods and smaller meals, for instance, are viewed as being more feminine; those who consume "unhealthy" foods and larger meals, on the other hand, are seen as being more masculine, regardless of gender. The present study seeks to determine whether gender, fitness level, and healthiness affect how people judge others on a number of attributes (e.g., friendliness, attractiveness). Participants will be presented with a vignette (that will differ based on the ‘health’ of food choices) and a photograph of a target person that differ based on fitness (i.e. person who appears fit and one who does not) and gender (male or female) A 2 (food type: healthy or unhealthy) X 2 (healthiness: fit or unfit) X (gender: male or female) ANOVA will be performed on an aggregated attribute scale. The researchers predict that gender, fitness level, and healthiness will have a significant influence on judgments of others, such that participants will judge those who eat healthier and appear fit in a more favorable way. Additionally, the researchers predict that “healthy females'' will be judged more favorably on all measures.

Faculty Sponsor

Amanda Dykema-Engblade, Northeastern Illinois University

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Apr 28th, 9:40 AM

The Influence of Gender, Fitness Level, and Healthiness on the Perceptions of Others


Consumption stereotypes are judgments made about people based on how much and what they eat. Those who consume "healthy" foods and smaller meals, for instance, are viewed as being more feminine; those who consume "unhealthy" foods and larger meals, on the other hand, are seen as being more masculine, regardless of gender. The present study seeks to determine whether gender, fitness level, and healthiness affect how people judge others on a number of attributes (e.g., friendliness, attractiveness). Participants will be presented with a vignette (that will differ based on the ‘health’ of food choices) and a photograph of a target person that differ based on fitness (i.e. person who appears fit and one who does not) and gender (male or female) A 2 (food type: healthy or unhealthy) X 2 (healthiness: fit or unfit) X (gender: male or female) ANOVA will be performed on an aggregated attribute scale. The researchers predict that gender, fitness level, and healthiness will have a significant influence on judgments of others, such that participants will judge those who eat healthier and appear fit in a more favorable way. Additionally, the researchers predict that “healthy females'' will be judged more favorably on all measures.