Composed Consciousness






My work taps into music as the source of inspiration, while presenting visual connections between emotion and the conscious mind. Venturing from arbitrary to emotional thoughts that 1, evoke memories, 2, visualize desires, 3, cross through past traumas. My art is created in a form of capture and release. Working with emotion to capture distorted memories, as much as cementing ideas of the future and past, has become a process of healing. Utilizing creative color placement to engage with emotional and social material, while arranging dissected narratives to visually stimulate the mind, allows for viewers to perceive the work in their own rhythm. In creating these pieces am I releasing emotional connections that weigh on these tunes. Composed Consciousness is a collection of ten contemplative oil paintings. The work will present the flowing thoughts that occur while listening to music on ‘shuffle’. Shuffle for the viewer, unknowing of what will play next, However I have carefully curated the playlist. The work is done in oil painting because it is corrosive, as is the subject matter, in time the memories will fade and become part of something entirely different. While the work may represent an arbitrary set of music taste, the imagery will bind the works together.

Faculty Sponsor

Nate Mathews, Northeastern Illinois University

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Apr 28th, 9:00 AM

Composed Consciousness


My work taps into music as the source of inspiration, while presenting visual connections between emotion and the conscious mind. Venturing from arbitrary to emotional thoughts that 1, evoke memories, 2, visualize desires, 3, cross through past traumas. My art is created in a form of capture and release. Working with emotion to capture distorted memories, as much as cementing ideas of the future and past, has become a process of healing. Utilizing creative color placement to engage with emotional and social material, while arranging dissected narratives to visually stimulate the mind, allows for viewers to perceive the work in their own rhythm. In creating these pieces am I releasing emotional connections that weigh on these tunes. Composed Consciousness is a collection of ten contemplative oil paintings. The work will present the flowing thoughts that occur while listening to music on ‘shuffle’. Shuffle for the viewer, unknowing of what will play next, However I have carefully curated the playlist. The work is done in oil painting because it is corrosive, as is the subject matter, in time the memories will fade and become part of something entirely different. While the work may represent an arbitrary set of music taste, the imagery will bind the works together.