Similarities of Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity

Farzad Kosarnezhad, Northeastern Illinois University


This paper is about similarities between Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity. I used a comparative approach based on three canonical texts, the New Testament, Tao Te Ching, and Rhinoceros Sutra. I argue that although these three religions can appear very different from one another and developed in three different places China, India, and the Middle East, they actually share the same core. They all want us to transcend our mental state to tranquility.

Apr 26th, 9:00 AM

Similarities of Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity


This paper is about similarities between Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity. I used a comparative approach based on three canonical texts, the New Testament, Tao Te Ching, and Rhinoceros Sutra. I argue that although these three religions can appear very different from one another and developed in three different places China, India, and the Middle East, they actually share the same core. They all want us to transcend our mental state to tranquility.