LGBTQ+ exposure to children






To further gain insight into parent's perspectives on the LGTBQ curriculum. We would be conducting 4 semi-structured remote interviews with mothers who have children ages 5-13. Participants will be black mothers in heterosexual relationships. Each researcher will interview one participant. We expect to finish our interviews by April 1st. Our findings would be a result of the thoughts/opinions parents have regarding the LGTBQ+ curriculum in schools and how they would introduce their children to it or not. The implication of these findings would be to determine the effect this may have on their children and their perspective.

Faculty Sponsor

Juan Martinez

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Apr 26th, 9:40 AM

LGBTQ+ exposure to children


To further gain insight into parent's perspectives on the LGTBQ curriculum. We would be conducting 4 semi-structured remote interviews with mothers who have children ages 5-13. Participants will be black mothers in heterosexual relationships. Each researcher will interview one participant. We expect to finish our interviews by April 1st. Our findings would be a result of the thoughts/opinions parents have regarding the LGTBQ+ curriculum in schools and how they would introduce their children to it or not. The implication of these findings would be to determine the effect this may have on their children and their perspective.