Fluconazole Treatment Against Bryopsis

Nayeli Maldonado, Northeastern Illinois University


Bryopsis, a photosynthetic algae, is a common issue in reef tanks due to light exposure and water chemistry. Its growth can cause damage to coral tissue; therefore, we will be using a treatment called fluconazole which is used to remove bryopsis and other algae. However, concerns arise as fluconazole kills algae, which corals have algae zooxanthellae, which provide nutrients for photosynthesis, and help corals survive by providing a safe habitat for these algae. The experiment involved collecting coral tissue from various coral species The treatment was applied to the tank system, and mechanical filtration and UV light were turned off. Water samples were taken throughout the experiment. Fluconazole inhibits ergosterol production in bryopsis, a plant cell wall maintenance enzyme. After 14 days, bryopsis pales white indicating fluconazole doesn't affect their zooxanthellae algae.

Apr 26th, 10:00 AM

Fluconazole Treatment Against Bryopsis

Poster #23

Bryopsis, a photosynthetic algae, is a common issue in reef tanks due to light exposure and water chemistry. Its growth can cause damage to coral tissue; therefore, we will be using a treatment called fluconazole which is used to remove bryopsis and other algae. However, concerns arise as fluconazole kills algae, which corals have algae zooxanthellae, which provide nutrients for photosynthesis, and help corals survive by providing a safe habitat for these algae. The experiment involved collecting coral tissue from various coral species The treatment was applied to the tank system, and mechanical filtration and UV light were turned off. Water samples were taken throughout the experiment. Fluconazole inhibits ergosterol production in bryopsis, a plant cell wall maintenance enzyme. After 14 days, bryopsis pales white indicating fluconazole doesn't affect their zooxanthellae algae.