Date of Award


Document Type



Social Work

First Advisor

Olubunmi Oyewuwo-Gassika, Ph.D.


Historically, the criminal justice system was highly criticized for dismissing the intimate violence reports. Many lawsuits were filed against the police for not responding to victim’s police reports. It is important to consider the victim’s opinions on intimate partner violence interventions when deciding what it effective or not. Policy research should implement more victim focused resources and laws that would allow victims to safely leave abusive relationships. Being mindful of the evidence this study should encourage policy makers to consider the police intervention of intimate partner violence. This research could provide statistics showing that police intervention is causing retaliation and increasing intimate partner violence. If so, state legislatures are greatly failing numerous victims, impacting every one of them for a lifetime. The purpose of this study is to refine our current understanding of police intervention in intimate partner violence. Using content data and statistical analysis, I hope to give a better illustration of what causes a deterrence of reports by victims and what the role for the police should be. Using non-random sampling, my research sample will consist of domestic violence advocates at Connections for Abused Women and their Children. The population of this sampling will come in the form of counselors, legal advocates, children’s advocates, and staff at this agency. My projected sample size is ten. I will be collecting data in the form of words, explanations, and ratings. I will use a survey that asks 10 general questions on the intervention of police and the effects it has on the survivors. First, I will hand out a consent form to the individuals prior to the survey being handed out. Next, they will complete the survey to the best of their knowledge. I plan to have an email sent out with a copy o the survey that will be forwarded to various individuals completing the survey. Finally, I will request that they place the completed survey in my supervisor’s mailbox to keep the anonymity of the individual. The time frame needed to complete the survey is around 20 minutes. I will allow for a month for the individuals to complete the survey and place it in my supervisor’s mailbox. In conclusion, this data will help give the agency an overall idea of how the staff members believe it is important to create allies with the police departments in the future.

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Social Work Commons