NEIU Archives
Established as a department of the Library in 1980, the University Archives’ chief purpose is to acquire, preserve, and make accessible the official historical record of Northeastern Illinois University. University Archives collects records of University departments and offices that are of enduring and historical value once they are past the period of active use.
The University Archives is located on the Lower Level of the Ronald Williams Library.
Contact University Archives at universityarchives@neiu.edu or (773) 442-4416.
Click here to access the Luis V Gutierrez Congressional Archives.
Browse the NEIU Archives Collections:
Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS)
- Art in Incarceration: Artistry in the Japanese American Internment Camps
- Diversity within a Microcosm: Varieties of Expression in Japanese American Art
- Chicago Normal School Weekly (1911)
- Tempo (1939-1961)
- The Observer (1959-1961)
- The Interim (1961-1967)
- Print (1968-1987)
- The Independent (1988-present)
- Que Ondee Sola
- Alumni News
- American Goat
- Apocalypse
- Biology (Nucleo)tidings
- CAS Connections
- Center for Teaching and Learning Bulletin
- Chicago Teachers' College News
- CICS Bulletin
- College of Business and Management Review
- Commitment
- ComMuniTy
- Counselor Education Student Association Newsletter
- Current Report - Office of the President
- El Centro Newsletter
- English Department Newsletter
- Faculty Newsletters
- The Fishbowl
- Focus on Student Affairs
- Great Lakes Review
- Halogen
- Hexagon
- InCommon
- Insights
- Jewel Box Series
- Journal of Performing Arts
- La Mosca
- Like It Is
- McNair Messenger
- Mostly Music
- Music and Dance Department Newsletter
- NEIU Art + Design
- NEIU Magazine
- NEIU News
- News & Notes - College of Education
- Newsletter- Office of Research and Development
- Nontraditional Degree Program Newsletter
- Northeasterners in the News
- ORD Report- Office of Research and Development
- Out There
- Overtures
- Profiles
- Psychology Department Newsletter
- Resources, from the Office of Sponsored Programs
- Right Brain Review
- Seeds
- Stage Center
- Stone Wind
- Student Notes
- Synergist
- The Innovator: Newsletter for the Center for Program Development
- The Muse
- The Ripple Effect - College of Education
- University Theatre Newsletter
- Unplugged: News from the Library and Media Services
- Uptown Center News
- Women Studies: A Journal of Student Papers
- Women's Studies Program Notes
- Women's Word
- Womenews