"Retrospective Evaluation of High School Sport Participant and Adult BM" by James W. Ball, Matthew R. Bice et al.

Retrospective Evaluation of High School Sport Participant and Adult BMI Status, Physical Activity Levels, and Motivation to Exercise

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Previous research reports that children who are physically active are more likely to be active adults. The primary purpose of this study was to retrospectively examine participants’ high school sport type and compare current adult Body Mass Index (BMI) status, physical activity (PA) level, and motivation to exercise. Adults who participated in individual sports reported to have a significantly higher number of individuals in the normal BMI category (F = 16.25, p < 0.05). Participants who competed in individual sports while in high school reported to partake in significantly more days of vigorous physical activity as an adult (F = 5.7, p < .05). The two exercise motivation constructs competence (r= .361, p < .01) and relatedness (r = .219, p < .01) were found to be the most prominently associated with overall physical activity levels between both individual and team sport participants. There were more days of vigorous PA and more individuals in the normal BMI category who participated in individual sports. The current study does not neglect the importance of team sports, but suggests that schools and communities should consider offering more individual sports/activities and emphasize the acquisition of individual skills associated with lifelong activities.


The work available here is the abstract of the article.

Publication Title

American Journal of Health Studies
