Founded in 1972 Que Ondee Sola remains the oldest Latinx/a/o student magazine in the U.S. Que Ondee Sola was established on the idea of being an engaging publication that deals with issues on Puerto Ricans, Latinxs/as/os, our communities and patrias. We seek to be advocates for the resources and needs of our Latinx/a/o student body at NEIU and beyond.
Please note there is some inconsistency in the volume and issue numbering throughout.
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Browse the Que Ondee Sola collection by decade:
Que Ondee Sola- December Update 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Uni Security Attacks Two Puerto Rican Women
Que Ondee Sola- December 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: UNI Administration Utilizes Procedural Difficulties to Delay Program Approval, El Tratado de Paris y la Invasion Imperialista Yanqui, Lucuam Entertains Huge Crowd at UNI, UNI Security Attacks Two Puerto Rican Women, Ignacio Mendez Attacks the Chicanomexicano-Puerto Rican Studies Program, Mateniendo el Retraimiento Decimos No a las Falsas Elecciones Coloniales,
Que Ondee Sola- November Update 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: UNI Administration Determined to Oust Professor Lopez; Spies on His Class,
Que Ondee Sola- November 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Center for Program Development Approves Chicanomexicano- Puerto Rican Studies, Angel Rodriguez Cristobal: Martir Revolucionario Victima del Imperialismo, UPRS Commemorates El Grito de Jayuya, Letter from a Freshman, The Mexican Revolution Nov. 20 1910: Promises Frozen by Imperialism, Sociology Club Budget Still Not Approved, UPRS Member Receives Award, UNI Spies on Prof. Lopez's Class
Que Ondee Sola- October 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Support Continues Boycott Tremendous Success, Daniel Kielson Attempts to Revoke UPRS Charter, The Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico, Supreme Court Justice James Duff Denounces Student Due Process Policy, Tlaltelolco Massacre, Latino Students Celebrate Jose Lopez Return, Davis' Resignation: More Than Meets the Eye, Adelanten Preparativos para la Explotacion Minera, El Grito Jayuya
Que Ondee Sola- September Update 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Professor Morton Questions Lopez' Capability, Rosie Santiago Stalls: Puts Sociology Club Budget in Limbo, UPRS Files for Permanent Space
Que Ondee Sola- September 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Professor Lopez Returns to UNI, Lola Rodriguez de Tio, Pedro Albizu Campos: Simbolo y Imagen, Update on UPRS Lawsuit, El Grito de Lares1868, El Grito de Dolores,
Que Ondee Sola- July Update 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Portable One: Symbol of Latino Student Struggle Must Remain Open
Que Ondee Sola- July-August 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Students Win Major Victory Against UNI Administration, El Levantamiento de Ciales, Is Que Ondee Sola Next?, La Toma del Consuelo Chileno: Un Acto de Valentia y Patriotismo, Samuel Betances Defender of Bourgeois Justice, La Realidad Detras de la Ley 600, Resistencia Continua Despues de 84 Anos de Coloniaje, The Need for a Latino Cultural Center, Once Again Williams Turns a Deaf Ear to Student Needs, Ignacio Mendez: UNI's $25,000 Failure, La Sonrisa de los Triunfadores, UNI Shuts Down P1 UPRS Initiates Law Suit, Poetry
Que Ondee Sola- June 1982
Teodoro Anderson
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Portable 1: Symbol of Latino Student Struggle Must Remain Open, Segundo Ruiz Belvis: Patriota Puertorriqueno, Conference in Denver a Huge Success, Gobierno Colonial Invade Villa Sin Meido, El Caso de Cruz y Osorio Cinco Anos Despues, The Fifth People's Parade: The Affirmation of National Dignity,
Que Ondee Sola- May 1982
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Provost Cownie Turns His Back to Studies Program, Surveillance Increases at UNI, Jose de Diego: Patriota Puertorriqueno, Proyecto Urayoan: Do Not Be Misled by the False Military Promises, US Invasion of Puerto Rico: The Birth of US Imperialism, Midwest Conference Draws Latino Students to Chicago,
Que Ondee Sola- Update April 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Funds for Chicano Mexicano Puerto Rican Studies Cut, UNI Advocates Elimination of Latino Students, Daniel Kielson's Plan to Eliminate Autonomous Programs to Poor Latinos and Blacks
Que Ondee Sola- April 1982
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Chicano Mexicano Boricua National Student Conference Initiates New Level of Struggle, Greatest Puerto Rican Revolutionary of the 19th Century: Ramon Emeterio Betances, Diez Anos en Lucha UPRS Northeastern, Unity Message from Illinois Chicago UPRS, Message from Puerto Rico Prisonor of War to the First Chicano Mexicao Boricua Student Conference, Sintesis Historica de la Lucha Estudiantil Dominica,
Que Ondee Sola- March 1982
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Student Activists Put Mendez on Trial, International Wome's Day, La Huelga Universitaria, Film Festival on Latino Women, Plan 2020: US Trilateralist Strategy, Ignacio Mendez: Portrait of a Desperate Man, Abolition of Slavery,
Que Ondee Sola- February 1982
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Mendez Retained Despite Student Protest, June Sochen Petitions Security to Confront Students, UPRS Advisor Denounces UNI Fascists Tactics Against Student Activists, Kielson Usa a sus Subalternos Latigo Para Castigar Estudiantes Latinos, US Secret Plan for Exploitation of Puerto Rican Mines, John Brown Anti-Klan Committee Announces UNI Activity,
Que Ondee Sola- Update January 1982
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: UNI Intensifies Repression Against Latino Student Activists, UNI Conspiracy to Entrap Students, UNI Attempts to Renege on Irma Romero Law Suit Agreement, Lation Students Wage Campaign to Expose Daniel Kielson
Que Ondee Sola- January 1982
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: A Call for Student Unity: Towards a National Student Conference, Eugenio Maria de Hostos: Citizen of the Americas, University Capitulates: Irma Romero Will Graduate, Tuition Hikes at UNI; Domestic Trilateralism at Work, Abogado Desenmascara Mentiras de Gran Jurado, Estudiantes Continuan Boicot a Clases de Ignacio Mendez, Latino Christmas Show,
Que Ondee Sola-December 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Students Demonstrate Support for Irma Romero- Full-Time Chicano Mexicano Line & Professor Lopez, Progressive Student Alliance, Puerto Rican Student Union 1969-1972, Se Intensifica la Lucha Estudiantil en Rios Piedras
Que Ondee Sola- November 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: UNI Administration label students terrorists, El Grito de Jayuya, Las Garras del Imperialismo, Dia de La Raza from an Indigineous Perspective, Congolese Representative Serge MukendiSpeaks at Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Advisory Board Reaffirms Student Demands, La Union de Estudiantes Puertorriquenos Elige Nueva Directiva, The Mexican Revolution Nov. 20 1910: Promises Frozen by Imperialism, Masacre de Tlatelolco
Que Ondee Sola- October 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Support Grows for Boycott Despite Attacks, Luchador Contra Minas Visita Northeastern, Lopez Romero Highlight Grito de Lares Celebration, Huelga en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, entrevista: Irma Romero, Chicano-Mexicano History, Update: Cruz-Osorio, Poetry
Que Ondee Sola- September 1981
Que Ondee Sola Staff
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Student Victory Boycott Successful, El Grito de Lares 1868, Irma Romero's Final Statement, Grito de Dolores: El Naciamento de la Nacion Mexicana Sept. 16 1810, Don Pedro Albizu Campos: The Greates Puerto Rican Revolutionary of this Century, Chicano-Mexicano History, Rally in Support of Cruz-Osorio, Poetry
Que Ondee Sola- August 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: UNI Represses; Students Fight Back, Professor Macdonald Analyzes UNI Policies, Students Confront Williams, Response to Concerned Latino Student, Occupied America, Ignacio Mendeez Accepts History Position, Poetry
Que Ondee Sola- July 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: President Williams Intimidates Students with Expulsion, Desfile de Pueblo, Day of National Dignity, Professor Barbar Speaks Out, ISSC Scam, Financial Aid Clarification, Williams Uses Stall Tactics to Decieve Students, President Williams Answers Student Demands, Pedroso Sprouts True Colors
Que Ondee Sola- May 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: Students and Faculty Expose Daniel Kielson's Lies, Whom Does Security Guard?, Mexico: The Frozen Revolution, Report from the 1st Student Assemby, Latin American Cultural Night, One Year of Struggle, State of the Union Address, One Year After: The Eleven Puero Rican Prisoners of War, Poetry
Que Ondee Sola- March 1981
Irma Romero
Student publication founded in 1972, articles include: The Puerto Rican Writers in the Independence Movement, Viva El 8 de Marzo!, Interview with Dona Consuelo, Poetry and the Puerto Rican Women, UNI Administration Attacks Chicano-Mexicano Student Activist, Poetry