NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: Is Buying Organically Produced Foods Associated with Social Justice Orientation and Eco-Friendly Behaviors?

Is Buying Organically Produced Foods Associated with Social Justice Orientation and Eco-Friendly Behaviors?


Lobby in front of Auditorium

Start Date

19-4-2019 11:00 AM




Introduction - The following study will investigate whether a relationship exists between buying/eating organic food and eco-friendly behaviors and/or a pro-social justice orientation. Purchasing and consuming organic food has become more popular over the last decade (Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Aberg & Sjödén, 2003). According to researchers, (e.g. Hulle, Liebig & May) individuals who purchase/eat organic food are more likely to be concerned with the environment, animal welfare, pollution, and the distribution of justice, in terms of wealth, privilege and opportunities (Dahm, Samante, & Shows, 2009). However, much research has taken place outside of the United States leaving a demand for more investigating within the U.S. Method - Participants will be students from a mid-size midwestern university. Participants will first be given an informed consent sheet. Then, each participant will be presented with three questionnaires. One pertaining to the amounts of organic food purchased, another measuring eco-friendly behaviors, and the last one, to measure social justice tendencies. Finally and an 8-item demographic sheet will be given to participants. All items will be presented online. Projected Results - It is hypothesized that there will be a positive relationship between buying organic food and eco friendly behaviors and between buying organic food and social justice orientation, such that, the higher amounts of organic food purchased the more eco friendly behaviors exhibited. Along with the higher amounts of organic food purchased, the more social justice tendencies present. Significance - The significance of this study is to test if purchasing organically increases the likelihood that people will care more about social justice issues along with becoming more eco-friendly. It is important to study this because if a positive relationship exists, the benefits of purchasing/eating organic may drastically improve the living conditions within the United States. Most individuals have buying power that they are unaware of therefore, buying organic food may be important for not only health but the environment and social justice issues.


Amanda Dykema-Engblade is the faculty sponsor of this poster.

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Apr 19th, 11:00 AM

Is Buying Organically Produced Foods Associated with Social Justice Orientation and Eco-Friendly Behaviors?

Lobby in front of Auditorium

Introduction - The following study will investigate whether a relationship exists between buying/eating organic food and eco-friendly behaviors and/or a pro-social justice orientation. Purchasing and consuming organic food has become more popular over the last decade (Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Aberg & Sjödén, 2003). According to researchers, (e.g. Hulle, Liebig & May) individuals who purchase/eat organic food are more likely to be concerned with the environment, animal welfare, pollution, and the distribution of justice, in terms of wealth, privilege and opportunities (Dahm, Samante, & Shows, 2009). However, much research has taken place outside of the United States leaving a demand for more investigating within the U.S. Method - Participants will be students from a mid-size midwestern university. Participants will first be given an informed consent sheet. Then, each participant will be presented with three questionnaires. One pertaining to the amounts of organic food purchased, another measuring eco-friendly behaviors, and the last one, to measure social justice tendencies. Finally and an 8-item demographic sheet will be given to participants. All items will be presented online. Projected Results - It is hypothesized that there will be a positive relationship between buying organic food and eco friendly behaviors and between buying organic food and social justice orientation, such that, the higher amounts of organic food purchased the more eco friendly behaviors exhibited. Along with the higher amounts of organic food purchased, the more social justice tendencies present. Significance - The significance of this study is to test if purchasing organically increases the likelihood that people will care more about social justice issues along with becoming more eco-friendly. It is important to study this because if a positive relationship exists, the benefits of purchasing/eating organic may drastically improve the living conditions within the United States. Most individuals have buying power that they are unaware of therefore, buying organic food may be important for not only health but the environment and social justice issues.