NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: Awareness Of Business Incubators

Awareness Of Business Incubators


CBM 149

Start Date

19-4-2019 1:00 PM


Management and Marketing


This following research introduces business incubators by discussing what it is, its importance, and why students should be aware of them. The description of incubators and its importance will be discussed to give the reader a clear understanding of what they are and why they are important. My analyses on literature reviews on academic journals about incubators will not only support its importance, but to verify how those sources do not mention students being aware of its existence. By establishing the importance of incubators and analyzing literature review sources, it is not enough to prove how students are uninformed about incubators. Therefore, I will conduct a research survey targeting business students within Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU). The creation of my questionnaire will be from a survey software provided by Northeastern Illinois University called NEIU Qualtrics. My research will close the gap of the existing findings on incubators and answer the questions of whether students are aware of them and if the institution already provides helpful resources for students to be successful in creating their own business. Questions such as: Do you have any knowledge about business incubators? If any, please describe some resources that NEIU provides that has helped you with your major. Once the students have read a brief description of business incubators, follow questions will be asked such as: Based on the information about incubators, do you think they will be useful in pursuing your career? Are you more or less interested in business incubators after you've read the description? I will distribute the surveys through a mailing server list for students within the College of Business and Management department called MERCATUS. The questionnaire will include 15 questions with eight pretest questions asking about their current knowledge of incubators. Then, seven posttest questions will be asked about their interest in business incubators after reading a short description of its importance. My results will show that business students in post-secondary institutions are not aware of business incubators even though it can provide exceptional resources and opportunities to help them be more successful than resources currently provided within the institutions.


Robert Cook and James Haefner are the faculty sponsors of this project.

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Apr 19th, 1:00 PM

Awareness Of Business Incubators

CBM 149

This following research introduces business incubators by discussing what it is, its importance, and why students should be aware of them. The description of incubators and its importance will be discussed to give the reader a clear understanding of what they are and why they are important. My analyses on literature reviews on academic journals about incubators will not only support its importance, but to verify how those sources do not mention students being aware of its existence. By establishing the importance of incubators and analyzing literature review sources, it is not enough to prove how students are uninformed about incubators. Therefore, I will conduct a research survey targeting business students within Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU). The creation of my questionnaire will be from a survey software provided by Northeastern Illinois University called NEIU Qualtrics. My research will close the gap of the existing findings on incubators and answer the questions of whether students are aware of them and if the institution already provides helpful resources for students to be successful in creating their own business. Questions such as: Do you have any knowledge about business incubators? If any, please describe some resources that NEIU provides that has helped you with your major. Once the students have read a brief description of business incubators, follow questions will be asked such as: Based on the information about incubators, do you think they will be useful in pursuing your career? Are you more or less interested in business incubators after you've read the description? I will distribute the surveys through a mailing server list for students within the College of Business and Management department called MERCATUS. The questionnaire will include 15 questions with eight pretest questions asking about their current knowledge of incubators. Then, seven posttest questions will be asked about their interest in business incubators after reading a short description of its importance. My results will show that business students in post-secondary institutions are not aware of business incubators even though it can provide exceptional resources and opportunities to help them be more successful than resources currently provided within the institutions.