The Effect Of Speech And Gesture On Guitar Learning


SU 103




This research could inspire new potential avenues of study in the field of cognitive, developmental and social psychology. The underlying theme of this project is to gauge a better understanding of cognitive mapping of musical concepts by way of gestured information. Results of this study will be useful for the improvement of guitar instruction in both a classroom and one-on-one setting. Typical guitar instruction is done through action and verbalization. Research aimed at learning the spatial processes children implement when learning complex mathematical concepts conveyed the importance of using speech and gesture to solidify conceptual information to children (Koumoutsakis, et. al., 2016).


Ruth (Breckie) Church is the faculty sponsor of this project.

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Apr 19th, 12:20 PM

The Effect Of Speech And Gesture On Guitar Learning

SU 103

This research could inspire new potential avenues of study in the field of cognitive, developmental and social psychology. The underlying theme of this project is to gauge a better understanding of cognitive mapping of musical concepts by way of gestured information. Results of this study will be useful for the improvement of guitar instruction in both a classroom and one-on-one setting. Typical guitar instruction is done through action and verbalization. Research aimed at learning the spatial processes children implement when learning complex mathematical concepts conveyed the importance of using speech and gesture to solidify conceptual information to children (Koumoutsakis, et. al., 2016).