NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: High School Counselors in Under-Resourced Communities: Their Effectiveness For Students

High School Counselors in Under-Resourced Communities: Their Effectiveness For Students


Auditorium Hallway

Start Date

6-5-2022 12:00 PM


McNair Scholars Program


Research has shown that school counselors are essential in the lives of high school students; not only do they provide services academically, but they also assist students with their personal concerns in their life (Cholewa et al., 2016). High school counselors are vital in the lives of high school students, particularly in under-resourced communities; they also shape the lives of the students well after high school. We will examine how recent high school graduates from under-resourced communities experience interactions with high school counselors. Statistical analysis will be determined using qualitative data and the phenomenological approach. The research participants will consist of recent high school graduates between 18-19 years of age. A total of 10 participants will be recruited for the study. We predict that recent high school graduates from under-resourced communities did experience different interactions with their high school counselors.

Faculty Sponsor

Deborah Dehring, Northeastern Illinois University

Faculty Sponsor

Ami Camp, East Carolina University

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May 6th, 12:00 PM

High School Counselors in Under-Resourced Communities: Their Effectiveness For Students

Auditorium Hallway

Research has shown that school counselors are essential in the lives of high school students; not only do they provide services academically, but they also assist students with their personal concerns in their life (Cholewa et al., 2016). High school counselors are vital in the lives of high school students, particularly in under-resourced communities; they also shape the lives of the students well after high school. We will examine how recent high school graduates from under-resourced communities experience interactions with high school counselors. Statistical analysis will be determined using qualitative data and the phenomenological approach. The research participants will consist of recent high school graduates between 18-19 years of age. A total of 10 participants will be recruited for the study. We predict that recent high school graduates from under-resourced communities did experience different interactions with their high school counselors.