NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: Is Kindness an Attractive Trait

Is Kindness an Attractive Trait


Auditorium Hallway

Start Date

6-5-2022 12:00 PM




People are familiar with the notion that “nice guys finish last”. This is in part due to the thinking that “nice guys” are just that-- nice. Research even suggests that women want to date the “bad boy” or someone who is considered to be more dominant (Graziano, 1995). This study will investigate peoples’ perceptions of and preference for kindness in a romantic partner. We hope to get feedback from at least 50 participants.The data will be analyzed using a 2 (target gender)x 2(kind/control) between and within subjects design with target gender the between subjects variable and kindness the within subject variable ANOVA. In the study, participants will read a brief description of several individuals. Half will be described as doing a kind act and the other half will be described as positive but will not participate in a kind act. Participants will then be asked to make an impression of the individual based on what they read, there are four scenarios, and participants will read all four scenarios. There are two control scenarios (One for male and female) as well as two experimental scenarios (one for men and women). In addition to evaluating the targets’ competence, warmth, communion, and agency. Participants will be asked to answer demographic questions about themselves such as their age and gender. Example questions about the target include the following: Javier is strong, rate Javier on a scale from 1-7 where 1= strongly disagree and 7= strongly agree. In addition, measuring Javier kindness from 1-7 where 1=strongly disagree and 7=strongly agree. Projected results are that participants are more likely to want to date the individual labeled as strong over the individual who is labeled as nice.

Faculty Sponsor

Maureen Erber , Northeastern Illinois University

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May 6th, 12:00 PM

Is Kindness an Attractive Trait

Auditorium Hallway

People are familiar with the notion that “nice guys finish last”. This is in part due to the thinking that “nice guys” are just that-- nice. Research even suggests that women want to date the “bad boy” or someone who is considered to be more dominant (Graziano, 1995). This study will investigate peoples’ perceptions of and preference for kindness in a romantic partner. We hope to get feedback from at least 50 participants.The data will be analyzed using a 2 (target gender)x 2(kind/control) between and within subjects design with target gender the between subjects variable and kindness the within subject variable ANOVA. In the study, participants will read a brief description of several individuals. Half will be described as doing a kind act and the other half will be described as positive but will not participate in a kind act. Participants will then be asked to make an impression of the individual based on what they read, there are four scenarios, and participants will read all four scenarios. There are two control scenarios (One for male and female) as well as two experimental scenarios (one for men and women). In addition to evaluating the targets’ competence, warmth, communion, and agency. Participants will be asked to answer demographic questions about themselves such as their age and gender. Example questions about the target include the following: Javier is strong, rate Javier on a scale from 1-7 where 1= strongly disagree and 7= strongly agree. In addition, measuring Javier kindness from 1-7 where 1=strongly disagree and 7=strongly agree. Projected results are that participants are more likely to want to date the individual labeled as strong over the individual who is labeled as nice.