NEIU Digital Commons - John S. Albazi Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium: Finding Inspiration Through Card Gameplay

Finding Inspiration Through Card Gameplay



Start Date

26-4-2024 9:40 AM


Art + Design


FINDING INSPIRATION THROUGH CARD GAMEPLAY Erin Lankin-Duffy Department of Art + Design, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago IL, 60625 Art can be a fun way to express creativity. However, there are times when a person just can’t find inspiration for their art. This could be due to stress, the fear of judgment and rejection, or just simply not being able to come up with an idea. Many creatives have experienced creative block, whether it is from a lack of ideas, the stress of deadlines, or anxiety that could lead to a hindrance in creativity. Techniques to overcome this include experimenting with different styles and mediums, finding inspiration through playing music, reading, or by simply taking a break. For my senior exhibition, I plan to design a card game that can be used as a tool for other artists and designers to overcome creative block. Playing games could allow players to come up with new ideas during the gameplay. The card game itself should include activities that could either be played in a group or alone. The second goal for the exhibition is to allow the players to be able to express their creativity through the card game. On top of exploring new materials, relationships can also form through these face-to-face interactions. I would like my senior exhibition to serve three purposes. The first purpose is to help artists and designers find new inspirations and ideas as they play along with the game. The second goal of this project is to encourage artists and designers to experiment with different materials. The final purpose of this project is to help players build a better relationship with others.

Faculty Sponsor

Izze Norman

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Apr 26th, 9:40 AM

Finding Inspiration Through Card Gameplay


FINDING INSPIRATION THROUGH CARD GAMEPLAY Erin Lankin-Duffy Department of Art + Design, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago IL, 60625 Art can be a fun way to express creativity. However, there are times when a person just can’t find inspiration for their art. This could be due to stress, the fear of judgment and rejection, or just simply not being able to come up with an idea. Many creatives have experienced creative block, whether it is from a lack of ideas, the stress of deadlines, or anxiety that could lead to a hindrance in creativity. Techniques to overcome this include experimenting with different styles and mediums, finding inspiration through playing music, reading, or by simply taking a break. For my senior exhibition, I plan to design a card game that can be used as a tool for other artists and designers to overcome creative block. Playing games could allow players to come up with new ideas during the gameplay. The card game itself should include activities that could either be played in a group or alone. The second goal for the exhibition is to allow the players to be able to express their creativity through the card game. On top of exploring new materials, relationships can also form through these face-to-face interactions. I would like my senior exhibition to serve three purposes. The first purpose is to help artists and designers find new inspirations and ideas as they play along with the game. The second goal of this project is to encourage artists and designers to experiment with different materials. The final purpose of this project is to help players build a better relationship with others.